
FINANCIAL COMMUNITY CORP, has been legally constituted under the figure of a Panamanian Corporation in 2018, by professionals with extensive experience in the area of ​​Financial Advisory and Intermediation, aimed at Mercantile Companies and Investment Funds, establishing bridges that allow the development of projects in the private sector, obtaining excellent results at present, as well as satisfactory growth projections both in the portfolio of future clients, as well as in the execution and financial planning of possible goals in different markets.

The company has experienced sustained growth and development, supported by the professional trajectory of the partners, the team of technical personnel that accompanies it, the continuous training and high permanent training, which allowed the company to gain the trust of its clients and a respectable recognition in the field of its competence.

FINANCIAL COMMUNITY CORP, currently provides services in Latin American countries, such as Colombia, Brazil, Panama and Venezuela, as well as the rest of the world.


Province of Panama, district of Panama, corregimiento San Felipe, Rodolfo a Chiari street or avenue, house number 2, descriptive address, Paseo las Bóvedas.



(507) 831.67.06 Ext 446